Keeping Families Together With Early Intervention and Support
Goolburri Family Wellbeing Service supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders with a range of services to strengthen families and communities relationship while protecting the vulnerable and those at risk.
Goolburri aims to do this through supporting families at risk, acting as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ‘voice’ when working with the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women and being actively involved in placing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people within appropriate families and/or cultural settings when the need arises.
Goolburri Family Wellbeing Service has integrated two previous services into one:
Goolburri Family Wellbeing Service understands that families sometimes face challenges and difficulties throughout the storyline of life. An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Wellbeing Service Worker assists families with referrals and support to develop skills to deal with these hardships and the issues that surround them on their journey of life.
Goolburri Family Wellbeing Service is external to the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women but work with them to ensure that the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women is advised about the cultural needs of children and families within the Child Protection System. Goolburri Family Wellbeing Service can come into your home when invited and listen to your storyline/worries and assist you in choosing the services you want to work with towards “How you want to change your storyline?” With your consent, family information may be shared with other agencies. In this instance, only the information that is relevant to the families’ situation is discussed. All other personal information remains confidential.
Goolburri Family Wellbeing Service Workers can also provide advice to the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women in the service areas of Toowoomba, Roma and Charleville Child Safety Service Centre (CSSC) about the cultural needs of your child/families from information provided by yourself, and our knowledge of support networks available. They can also help you understand the children’s safety system and if needed, the Children’s Court process. Goolburri Family Wellbeing Service Workers will facilitate effective communication (help with good talk) between you and Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women.
We can assist families with referrals and support to develop skills to deal with these issues. We assist the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women by providing information and advice about:
Goolburri Family Wellbeing Service is involved in decisions made by the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families during the Child Protection Continuum including:
The primary target group for services are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families who are vulnerable or at risk of entering the child protection system.
The age group is inclusive of children from unborn to 18 years of age and their families.
2 Hodgson Street, Toowoomba Q 4350
Postal Address: PO Box 1198
E: [email protected]
P: 07 4637 9953
F: 07 4632 0548